[nycphp-talk] XAMPP: Upgrading MySQL

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Jul 24 20:00:54 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>>anyone here know how hard/easy it is to upgrade the mysql version that
>>is pre-packed with XAMPP?
>Not sure... certainly doable, I'd imagine, but you'd probably be getting
>into the realm of installing a separate MySQL instance on the box and
>disabling that which comes with XAMPP.
>>they have version 4.0.20 and i would like to upgrade to 4.1
>Be careful here... there's a major difference between the two.  Chances
>are, your code will break.
>MySQL 4.1.x uses a new binary protocol, and requires the
> extension to work.  You can set MySQL to be
>backwards compatible, but then you'll miss the benefits of the binary
>protocol (prepared statements, no escaping, etc).

Of course this means don't just mysqlhotcopy or mysqldump a working app 
and expect to import back into 4.1 after the upgrade (doh!). Unless you 
like major headaches under pressure.

(it needed to be said.... )


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