[nycphp-talk] phantom file writing errors

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Jul 27 09:33:36 EDT 2004

Marc Antony Vose wrote:

> It's creating directories inside a directory that is chmod 777.  Into 
> each directory is placed an HTML file, which is created in the code 
> below.  Therefore, all of the directories and files involved are owned 
> by the script that is being run (user: apache, grp: apache), since the 
> files didn't even exist in the first place.  And it's definitely writing 
> to the file, because the contents of the files are there.

Sorry, but I didn't see in the previous posts that file contents are 
there in addition to the files themselves--and from the above, you 
obviously didn't need the basic info I posted.

I don't know what other steps you've taken to troubleshoot, but I often 
isolate a code snippet and try different things to see if anything 
changes.  You may have already gone thru this exercise, but if not--in 
your code:

// output the file
$output_h = fopen($output_path,"w");

what would this yield?
// output the file
$filedata = 'some stuff';
$fh = fopen("/path/filename", "w");
fwrite($fh, $filedata);

If the above worked, then I'd take a closer look at how the outputdir 
and outputdata is being created.  In addition, what happens if an 
existing file is opened for reading and fread(), or fopen() mode is 
changed to append instead of write?  Does a print_r() on the $fh 
($output_h) show a good resource type before the fclose()?


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