[nycphp-talk] Development environment?

Dan Cech dcech at
Thu Jul 29 17:21:30 EDT 2004

Hans C. Kaspersetz wrote:
> Just to chime in here, I develop on a Windows XP box.  <gasp>

Me too, I run WinXP on my laptop for dev work, with Apache, PHP and 
MySQL running locally.

My editor of choice in EmEditor (, not very 
popular (or free) but it has all the features I want and none of the 
extra 'stuff' I don't need.  I also use the font ProggyClean 
(, which makes reading code a whole 
lot easier on the eyes.

TortoiseCVS and WinMerge are invaluable, as are Cygwin grep, PuTTY and 
WinSCP.  MySQL Control Center and phpMyAdmin take care of all my local 
MySQL administration needs (neither is perfect but together they are a 
great team).

As for compatibility issues...I set up EmEditor to automatically save 
files with unix line-endings, etc so I don't have to worry about that.

In any case (and this is true of the majority of php code) most of the 
stuff I work on has to be tested on both platforms, so it doesn't matter 
that much.

> Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Sendmail are installed.  I use Zend, 
> Dreamweaver, MySQL Control Center and other graphics programs.  I use 
> WinEdit when I need  simple editor.  I find that I have no problems on 
> this platform.  I can move all of my code between my Win box and my 
> Linux servers without a problem.  Occasionally, I will have to modify my 
> applications config files. In that case I create multiple config files, 
> one for each of the environments it will be running in.
> Hans K

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