[nycphp-talk] Development environment?

David Mintz dmintz at
Fri Jul 30 10:10:49 EDT 2004

I wonder why it is that even though this old war horse of a topic
re-emerges once every few months, we never tire of talking about it? I
gotta admit I've read the whole thread.

Windows 2000 (at work): Zend, and sometimes an aging HomeSite for HTML,

Linux RH9 (at home): Zend, Quanta, Mozilla

Started fooling around with KDevelop on a Mandrake 10 notebook, because it
was there. Jury still out. Looks promising, though.

Have used Eclipse for some Java, and some PHP. Still haven't got the hang
of Eclipse. My, doesn't it suck when you get distracted from the real work
by the learning of the tools.

And of course I do a little vi, especially when SSHing about, but I'm
still pretty much vi-challenged.

Zend is pretty nice but slow, unless your machine is quite muscular.
Eclipse disappoints in this respect as well. That's Java for you. Both
have good CVS support. It appears KDevelop supports both CVS and
SubVersion, which I have yet to sample.

For MySQL I do some phpMyAdmin, some MySQL Control Center (don't care for
it too much), and a lot of "mysql> "

Are you guys too paranoid for plain old ftp as opposed to SSH/SCP/SFTP? I
*very* rarely use ftp anymore but I hear that having your creds stolen by
a packet sniffing badguy is a rare and unlikely occurence.

David Mintz

        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17

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