[nycphp-talk] Development environment?

Brian Pang bpang at
Fri Jul 30 12:32:26 EDT 2004

trying to bring this back OT

When possible, I like to set up a subdomain on the same server such that is my production environment and is my dev environment
(sometimes I'll also do a 3rd QA setup)

the great advantage of this is everything on dev is exactly the same as
on production

a disadvantage would be that runaway processes on dev can affect the
live site.
disk space can also be an issue as well as making sure that any files
you write to the disk are separated out by prod or dev (or qa). You'll
also want to create duplicate databases for the dev environment.

this has worked well for me where I have the space and power on the
production server and not the $$$ for a separate box.
I could use my linux workstation for dev purposes, but then I have to
make sure that all the versions line up, etc.

last, promoting your code to production is a lot faster as it's just a
local cp

since everyone else has said so... I still use vi(m) in the ssh shell
for everything :)

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