[nycphp-talk] Development environment?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Jul 30 13:45:55 EDT 2004

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 05:10:46PM +0000, Joel De Gan wrote:
> Want to thank you for pointing to that font.

It's similar to "Lucida Console" on Windows, which is what I use.

I write code in EditPlus, a basic text editor that has some handy 
coding features.  I like it because it's clean and simple.

Mitch mentioned code collapsing, which this doesn't have, but it does 
produce a list of all functions in a file via Search | Function List.  

I use Zend Studio for complex debugging.  I don't like writing in it 
because it's too cluttered, let alone is overkill.


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