[nycphp-talk] PHP Solution for Website stats

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Thu Jun 3 14:39:56 EDT 2004

Rolan Yang |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> Actually, it would be quite easy to import. You would only need a 5 
> line shell
> script  which sliced and diced the existing logs. Then a mysql query 
> to "load data infile into table blag_logs".
> For low bandwidth sites, I don't see a problem with mod_log_sql, 
> however if you are
> serving lots of pages, you could quickly saturate your network or disk 
> i/o bandwidth (depending
> on if your mysql is on the same machine or another).
> As an example, I'm hosting a pretty high traffic phpBB for someone 
> right now. Sometimes
> the site is hit with like 30+ page requests/sec. PhpBB is quite a hog 
> and when people are viewing
> a page full of posts that contain 100+smiley icons, etc (each one 
> counting as a hit) you can
> easily run up like 3000 hits/sec. Each hit is an entry in the apache 
> log... Now if you had mod_log_sql
> running, your server would have to manage 3000+ mysql inserts per 
> sec.. that would place a serious
> load not only on your disk i/o but also cpu. What makes matters worse 
> with phpBB, is (and I'm not
> completely sure about this) that the pages are set to "nocache" so 
> everything is reloaded upon
> every page access. This keeps the load on the server consistently high 
> throughout the day.
> ~Rolan

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