[nycphp-talk] Digital Signatures in PHP

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Thu Jun 3 17:22:38 EDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 02:49:03PM -0400, Rolan Yang wrote:
> Yea, sometimes I wish you could just pipe data to gpg and have it spit 
> out an
> encrypted message... rather than having it operate on an existing file. 
> Storing
> sensitive information in a temporary file  which has readable permissions
> by the web server leaves me feeling a bit insecure too.

Actually, you can do that with the popen() function - it can a pipe to the
STDOUT of the gpg command.  Use a pipe or input re-direction to feed it data.
There are gpg examples in the comments:

You can also use proc_open() for bi-directional pipes if you have >= 4.3
avoiding the input trickery:

Use the latter if possible... less headaches.


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