[nycphp-talk] mystery parameter for process method in PEAR HTML_QuickForm

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Tue Jun 15 23:42:16 EDT 2004

Hello all,

I have reading up on the PEAR HTML_QuickForm library, and trying to use 
it in a new (prototype of an) application.

I have been reading David Sklar's book, and reading through his online 
presentation, but still some questions remain unanswered.

Perhaps some of you on this will have answer to this question:

In the slide at this address - - there is this 
snippet of code:

/* ... */

function say_hello($data) {
     print 'Hello, ' . $data['my_name'];

So, my question is this: when the callback function say_hello() was 
specified in the statement "$form->process('say_hello');" no parameter 
seems to have been passed to it (explicitly, that is).

But, in this example, the something like the following output is 
expected to be printed:

Hello, Jay

where "Jay" is the value of the name entered into the name input box 
(the code for which is not shown above).

So, where does the $data information come from? Is it somehow implicitly 
passed through to the say_hello() callback function when the 
"$form->process('say_hello');" statement is made?

The code for the process method from the HTML/QuickForm.php file is as 
// *****************************************************
      * Performs the form data processing
      * @param    mixed     $callback        Callback, either function 
name or array(&$object, 'method')
      * @param    bool      $mergeFiles      Whether uploaded files 
should be processed too
      * @since    1.0
      * @access   public
      * @throws   HTML_QuickForm_Error
     function process($callback, $mergeFiles = true)
         if (!is_callable($callback)) {
             return PEAR::raiseError(null, QUICKFORM_INVALID_PROCESS, 
null, E_USER_WARNING, "Callback function does not exist in 
QuickForm::process()", 'HTML_QuickForm_Error', true);
         $values = ($mergeFiles === true) ? 
HTML_QuickForm::arrayMerge($this->_submitValues, $this->_submitFiles) : 
         return call_user_func($callback, $values);
     } // end func process
// *******************************************************

I hope my question makes sense. If not, I will try to reword it.

Best Regards,

- Jay

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