[nycphp-talk] WAS: Gmail invitation

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Jun 17 10:19:36 EDT 2004

Clot factor.. that is an interesting one.
I've never considered cookies to be something that could
bog down the OS or a security threat. ActiveX is totally another
story though..  My primary browser of choice is Opera. Unfortunately, I 
had to
fire up IE to give oddpost a try. The interface is nice... a little more
than you would expect from webmail (thanks to that extra non-standard 
MS throws into their browser). I don't plan to pay for the service since
Thunderbird + Squirremail do the job just fine as is.. but in reply
to Hans' comment about gmail's nice interface, I thought I'd bring up 
the service
an alternate comparison.


Tim Gales wrote:

>Okay I tried going over there.
>I got thrown four or five cookies 
>(I didn't really count them -- 
> it just seemed I had to answer no
>  many time to an IE privacy alert msg box)
>One of the cookies wouldn't say what it 
>was going to use the cookie info for -- 
>you know, no privacy policy information.
>One cookie did say what its information 
>was going to be used for. It was from hitbox. 
>(of course very few times, if ever, does anyone  
>take the time and to try actually check and see if people 
>are 'living up' to what they promise in terms of 
>their privacy policy anyway so maybe the point is 

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