[nycphp-talk] DB Differences

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Fri Jun 18 04:40:53 EDT 2004

Looking for a professional developer's opinion...

I'm working on a gig where I'll be importing data on a nightly basis from an
already existing access database (mdb).  Their setup is Access / CF Express.
I'm, of course, working on a LAMPhp server as I usually do.  Eventually I'll
also be exporting back to that database.  

Now, looking over the db, I don't agree with the overall design.  It's not
normalized very well.  I can't necessarily tell him to change it, 1 -
because that's not what I'm hired to do, 2 - because it's his app and he'll
write it how he pleases.  But, I can't see myself replicating their
structure to run my application.

Obviously this will cause more headaches in the sync functions.

So, would you replicate his db and grin and bare it all, or would you format
it the way you feel is 'right' and efficient and holy and just deal with the
data conversion with every import / export?

I'd appreciate any input, if at least to help me with my own sanity.


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