[nycphp-talk] PHP and Flash

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Fri Jun 18 09:01:53 EDT 2004

haha wrote:

>Hi All:
>Here is a page:
>Can I write a PHP and Flash to change it's picrure on the fly?

You certainly can, but it means that you still have to create the 
initial flash animation to work as a container for your graphics.

What is common today is to create a flash animation that fetches images 
(or other movies, or even HTML content) from a remote page - this page 
is a PHP script, and can use arbitrary methods (like session 
identification) to decide what dynamic content to send to the flash 

What you are doing is pulling the content *out* of the flash animation, 
and including it as a remote object with actionscript (flash's 
proprietary scripting language).  So you still need to be able to create 
the initial flash animation that pulls all the remote media.

I'm deep in the bowels of a site that uses flash as a container for all 
content, and all content is dynamically generated by PHP.  When I am 
done I will be writing article after article after article... ;)

-- Mitch

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