[nycphp-talk] Zend PHP Certification

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jun 18 10:02:59 EDT 2004

I would be ... for one the thing I feel that "messes things up" when it 
comes to both certification and the process of learning any programming 
language is both the books and resources that cover it and sometimes the 
language itself ... 

There are alot of security areas where it just seems like certain things 
should just "happen automatically" yet you cant dictate how someone should 
be able to code/style it ... and nearly every book has a different way to 
go about it ...

Here is one example - page 285, PHP Developer cookbook:

It shows that EscapeShellCmd() should pretty much *always* be used when 
forking a process to read from ... yet its not something built-in nor 
shown in the example but is merely "stressed" as being important ... 

The same goes for DB usage ... would someone writing tons of code w/ 
mysql_query() be a "bad coder" when generic Pear::DB exists, yet plenty of books really 
just jump right into the extension.  I didnt see Pear covered on the outline for the exam, 
so Im hoping the 'PHP and database' section is generic since the cerification covers the 
"language" itself.  

- Jon

On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 08:45:38AM -0400, Chris Snyder wrote:
> I hope NYPHP will offer training (online and off) to pass certification 
> if the community embraces it -- would anyone be interested in such a 
> thing, either for themselves or their colleagues?

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