[nycphp-talk] header to force helper app for MP3 file

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jun 18 13:14:40 EDT 2004

You could try to force "Content-Disposition: attachement" to see if it has 
any affect (as it should).  

I think some other options might include playing around with 
browscap/phpsniff w/ http_accept and creating a test page.

As far as I remember you cant get a list of helper apps that are 
associated with the client server side.  If you can check the plugins that 
are enabled you can leave it to download + the client would normally 
decide on the helper app for that MIME type.

- Jon 

On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 11:46:18AM -0400, Stephen Musgrave wrote:
> i want the user's helper application for mp3s to launch.  if there isn't one
> defined, they should be prompted to decide to choose one or download.

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