[nycphp-talk] WAV to MP3 conversion with LAME

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Tue Jun 22 13:06:11 EDT 2004

hello list -

this is an obscure situation, but on the off chance that someone has had
this experience...

my client is using call center services.  the voice mail is saved
as a WAV file, we suck that down to our server and convert it to MP3 using
LAME on LINUX.  the problem is that the resulting MP3 file is noise (and the
duration of the file is also about 1/4 of the original).

it feels like the bitrate, sample size and or sample rate is out of sync,
which it probably is, but i am not a digital audio expert by any means!
(i've tried various settings including 'auto').

when reading the output log from lame, it warns:

Warning: corrupt or unsupported WAVE format
Assuming raw pcm input file

also, when converting the WAV file with iTunes to MP3, it works just fine.
i suspect that is writing their WAV files missing some header

so, if anybody has any light to shed on this stumper, it would be greatly


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