[nycphp-talk] Karma Discounts on Security Seminar

Tim Gales tgales at
Thu Jun 24 10:09:38 EDT 2004

David Mintz writes:
> Tim, why not also require payment in advance and establish a 
> reasonable refund policy? Then you get instant karmic 
> retribution for not showing a sense.

The way in which I am developing the training seminars 
can appear decidedly un-business-like.

The reason behind the (un-business-like) development of the 
series is that I have to be careful how I view the seminars. 
If I look at them too much as a business my competitive spirit 
may get the better of me. 

I am afraid that I might fall into a trap of 
trying to optimize profit contribution etc. and lose 
sight of the real purpose (helping people get information 
which will result in them doing better work). 

This could happen.

Recently I entered a competition where I didn't 
even think about the prize. All I heard was:
"If you answer the following question you can win...".

Since we are on the topic of cosmic retribution, 
I can tell you payback was swift -- I had to 
endure considerable raillery later for 'competing 
just for competition's sake.'

T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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