[nycphp-talk] 21 Rules of Thumb - How Microsoft develops itsSoftware

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Sat Jun 26 17:33:57 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

>>Name one instance where M$ released "great software on time" 
>>or for that matter even "software on time".  Not once I can determine.
>True, there is some marketing hype in there, but considering the scale
>and complexity of having to release Windows, there is some merit in
>their song and dance.

Well I didn't mean to imply M$ is sans merit - I agree that would  be 
wrong. But to preach practices which are pie-in-the-sky, and say they 
come from M$ experience, when M$ hasn't succeeded in doing most of it, 
strikes me as incorrect.

I agree completely that some of the points are honorable; I just don't 
see them as practical or based in reality as they should be if they were 
a product of experience. I get annoyed when they are projected as worthy 
because they come from the giant, with an implication that Microsoft 
accomplishes them, when that is generally not true.

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