[nycphp-talk] php script as screensaver..

Joel De Gan joel at
Mon Jun 28 15:54:03 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 13:17, Chris Snyder wrote:
> I don't know how to do it, but if you figure it out I'll buy you a beer!

I like stout beers, next meeting :).

Here is how it is done with xscreensaver:
I don't compile with explict cli. so I create my php file (in this case
it can be anything.. i.e. test.php
<? print_r($GLOBALS); ?>

it is in my home dir ~joeldg/projects/screensave/test.php
create a launch file with
`/usr/bin/php /home/joeldg/projects/screensave/mview.php`
chmod +x launch
now as root
ln -s ~joeldg/projects/screensave/launch /usr/lib/xscreensaver/test

cp /usr/share/control-center/screensavers/galaxy.xml

gvim /usr/share/control-center/screensavers/test.xml

change galaxy to test

select "test" and "preview"

and it also works with php-gtk apps (tested)

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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