[nycphp-talk] suggestions for re-training of a junior VB/.net programmer

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Tue Jun 29 12:10:40 EDT 2004

I have a friend who hired a junior programmer/relative (!) who has only 
worked with VB and VB/.net on IIS. He  recognizes the need to re-track 
this person onto PHP on his existing LAMP platform.

He wants a short-time-duration (inside 6 months) plan to bring the 
programmer up to speed, so he can assume similar level responsibilities 
on LAMP. The idea is to avoid expensive text-book style training, and 
also avoid 1:1 dedication from the senior people at this stage (he wants 
to get him at least to the junior scripter level first).

I am not sure howmuch of a self-starter this person is, but that is what 
needs to be determined IMHO.

I suggested he send him to NYPHP meetings and have him give briefings to 
the company staff afterwards, perhaps do demos for them, etc.
I want to suggest workshops and training seminars as well.
I would like to refer him to install fests that are newbie-friendly 
(SuSe, BSD, RH ok)
I could even see him benefitting from LAN parties that are *nix based, 
if possible.

Can you all suggest where to look for inside-6-months training / 
experience activities, so I can pass along? Perhaps there is a website 
with local NY/NJ activities like this, or a central listing of local AMP 
user groups?

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