[nycphp-talk] Re: [nycphp-announce] The NYPHP Charter has been revised

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Wed Jun 30 12:44:10 EDT 2004

Jeff Knight |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> On Jun 30, 2004, at 12:05 PM, David Sklar wrote:
>> How does this apply to the replies when someone posts a message 
>> saying, e.g. "I want to go buy a PHP {magazine|book|training 
>> class|conference admission|fuzzy bunny|etc.}. What's the best one for 
>> me?"
> Honest answers to honest questions are always welcome, obvious, 
> blatant shills are not, or at least not without prior approval...
> jeff.knight at

Obviously, if they want the best PHP textbook ever written they simply 
need only go over to

(and eliminate their debt, so they have room on their credit card to buy 
the book ;-)

<not so obvious, blatantly mis-leading anti-commercial topic post not in 
anyway pre-approved in advance by the management of NYPHP >

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