[nycphp-talk] Off Topic: International Outsourcing

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Jun 30 12:57:03 EDT 2004

inforequest wrote:

> That is the new American entrpreneur. Do it... stop talking about it. 
> You know why?

Yes I  know - though starting now without any savings to live on during 
the transition would be a tad foolish don't you think? Im working on 
some online business ideas to make enough money to fund the departure...

> Because once you become a "farmer" you will see how the farming 
> business operates. You will learn how it manages risk, how it manages 
> information flow, and how it squeezes profits from the channel, the 
> market, the government. Then you will see opportunity -- in deploying 
> IT within farming.
> You will start to deploy IT in new inovative ways, as a "farmer". 
> Pretty soon you will be carvig out a new niche, and the other farmers 
> will be following your lead, and the IT revolution will extend deeper 
> into farming because of you. And then one day, you will look at the 
> racks of servers you have built up in your barn, and say "I'm thinking 
> of getting out of IT.... perhaps moving far away and becoming  
> arafting travel guide...."

Believe me, I have thought about this many times (Visions of hydroponic 
farms with computer-controlled climate and irrigation systems feature 
prominently in my thinking).

I have a friend who left New York and went to live in New Mexico. He 
bought 6 acres outside of Taos and is planning to build an "earthship" 
(for those of you that don't know, an earthship is an 
environment-friendly self-sustaining dwelling - we're talking solar 
panels, geothermal systems, harvesting rain water, natural sewage 
systems, etc etc. See for info).

> I am hopeful everyone working for someone else in IT will see the 
> light before they are 45 years old, and go their own way. If you are 
> willing to take the risk of chucking it all to become a farmer, why 
> not take the lesser risk of chucking the job to go it on your own?

I was thinking of before I get to 40 years old myself...

Systems Administrator / Developer

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