[nycphp-talk] suggestions for re-training of a junior VB/.netprogrammer

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Wed Jun 30 14:05:06 EDT 2004

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>Also, I know we had talked about free workshops/install fests/ for AMP,
>which seems inline with exactly what he needs.  We could even have one
>for "Moving from VB to PHP."  This might be perfect motivation to get
>this project underway, especially if we can find some free space to hold
>the event at.
This sounds like a good idea. As someone who spent almost a year doing 
ASP (bleh!), I found PHP easy to pick up especially if you've done some 
Perl before. I would be happy to lend a hand here.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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