[nycphp-talk] Good PHP Apps

Brian Pang bpang at
Wed Jun 30 23:18:38 EDT 2004

> While I'm sure (and know, in
> fact) there is good code out there, it's generally kept private (and for
> good reason;

Sometimes the code you write is not yours to share. As a consultant,
contracts often state that the code/application produced is the property
of the company.
That is not to say that concepts can be re-written and shared, but that
is also not always cut-and-dry (and it takes time).

> Thus, the bad code becomes common, and because it's so easy
> to write, the process snowballs.

I have done certain things that I think might be useful to some, at
least as a strawman to figure certain things out, but sometimes, as code
may have been written in haste (and it ain't broke, so don't I fix it),
I'd be a little embarrased to have others see and scrutinize what I've
done. So, unfortunately, I keep it to myself... :(

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