[nycphp-talk] RE: talk Digest, Vol 10, Issue 1

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Mar 1 19:47:01 EST 2004


You're all mixed up.  Start from a clean slate.  Delete the entire
contents of your c:\php directory all of your dll's.  To make sure you get
all the dll's out, do a file find on your entire c drive for "php*.dll"

Download a "Win32 Package" "Stable (4.3.x-dev)" snapshot from

Unzip it into c:\php

Move into that directory and copy php.ini-recommended to become php.ini

Now, if you want to be forward thinking, to prepare yourself for a simple
transition to PHP 5, rename php.exe to php-cgi.exe and copy
c:\php\cli\php.exe to c:\php.  Then adjust your Apache httpd.conf

Put c:\php and c:\php\dlls into your PATH environment variable.


Now edit the php.ini file to be the way you want it, including setting the 
extensions path to c:\php\extensions and uncommenting the gd dll.

Oh, and how come your message included the entire 500+ lines of the digest
you were replying to?


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