[nycphp-talk] we need a PEAR book

David Sklar sklar at
Fri Mar 5 11:50:32 EST 2004

David Mintz wrote:
> I look forward to a nice fat heavy book about PEAR, preferably one
> with a cute furry creature on the cover. When it's available I'll
> whip out my credit card so fast it'll make your head spin. Even if it
> is out of date the moment it hits the shelves.
> I just felt like sharing that as I go nucking futs in my quest to
> learn to use some of these packages. Thanks for letting me vent (-:

My book "Essential PHP Tools" covers PEAR DB, ADODB, HTML_QuickForm,
Smarty, XML_Parser, XML_RPC, SOAP, SimpleXML, Mail, Mail_mime, Auth,
Auth_HTTP, xdebug, apc, phpa, and mmcache.

Those aren't all PEAR modules but many of them are.

It should be out in a few weeks.


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