[nycphp-talk] Let's talk about the 'var' keyword

Chris Bielanski Cbielanski at
Fri Mar 12 10:13:54 EST 2004

Hey gang,
it never occured to me before but I note that it *appears* that the 'var'
keyword is only allowed in classes in PHP 4. AFAIK, using it in a PHP4
function is verboten.

Since we have some serious dev-listers here, I though I'd pose the question
whether or not this is one of the things that's changing in PHP5 - I'm going
to go on thinking it will be able to be used with the increased class
functionality in order to support public, private, etc.

As usual, it's open speculation and telling me I'm blatantly incorrect! - it
was nice to see the list hopping again yesterday after being quiet most of
the week!

Chris Bielanski - [CBielanski at]
Web Programmer, 
International Trademark Association - []
1133 Ave. of the Americas - Manhattan
p - 212/642-1745

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