[nycphp-talk] RE: Best way to read in an array

Rafi Sheikh Rafi.Sheikh at
Fri Mar 12 13:44:07 EST 2004

Hello List:  I am very new and hoping to get some help in terms of reading
an array (I have tried but failing)

BASIC: apache 1.3.29, PHP 4.3.4, MySQL 4.0.17-nt on WIN2K-Pro

I have data as :
category	month1	month2	month3
abc		100		99		100
xyz		98		99		89


I need to geteach row in in variable so I could use it in a line graph or

$datax=array(100,99,100)   //to be laid out, I will use $datax in my graph
plot line

There would be 6 rows that I need 6 lines.

I have the table in a table in Mysql

I have no idea how can I read the table so each row is assigned to a
varaible that I oculd use as example above.

I have read and re-read arcticles, but I am missing things..any help in
formulating this block is truly appreciated.



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