[nycphp-talk] SecurityFocus Newsletter #240 php stuff

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Tue Mar 16 10:57:51 EST 2004

Hi Jon:

On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 08:57:56AM -0500, jon baer wrote:
> Thank you for posting the info (im on bugtraq and it gets crazy with
> everything)

I can imagine.  Getting the weekly summary, which is what I do, seems a
handy way to reduce that clutter.

If you want a more timely alert for specific packages, one could subscribe 
to bugtraq and run the incomming emails throug procmail (or some other 
filtering mechanism).  If the item's subject matches your criteria, pass 
it along.  If not, dump it.  Crude, but it'll generally work.


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