[nycphp-talk] chat (opinions needed)

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Tue Mar 16 22:15:30 EST 2004

Henry Ponce wrote:

> Hello all:
> I have to add a chat area in my site. I've been reading info on this and I see 
> that there's different approaches.
> The two approaches to get this done that most interest me are:
> php and an ircd on my server
> php/msyql (similar to phplive!)

Don't forget option #3, remote flash with textfiles on the server.  If 
you are interested I will hunt down that link, I was meaning to build 
something with it for another site as a proof of concept...

Actually quite brilliant, as the flash 'animation' basically polls the 
textfile for changes every xxx seconds, and all 'posts' get appended to 
the textfile. No database overhead, and very small footprint on the client.

-- Mitch

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