[nycphp-talk] HTML entities in posted variables problem

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Mar 17 12:06:34 EST 2004

Hmm, wonder if urlencode() and urldecode() would do the trick?

Chris Bielanski wrote:

> Add to that, there's always the chance that you will get UTF-8 when you want
> ASCII, or vice-versa... Clients are funny things.
> ~C
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: David Sklar [mailto:sklar at]
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:50 AM
>>To: NYPHP Talk
>>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] HTML entities in posted variables problem
>>>Interestingly, htmlentities doesn't seem to work for me as 
>>>htmlentities($a) is not equal to htmlentities($_post['q1']) 
>>This is probably because htmlentities() turns " into " and not 
>>’  ’ (on my browser at least) displays as a curly 
>>(single close quote), not as a doublequote.

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