[nycphp-talk] NYPHP live cdrom

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu Mar 18 14:20:35 EST 2004

Chris Snyder wrote:

> John Lacey wrote:
>> I think choosing FreeBSD over Linux for a NYPHP CD give-a-way would be 
>> a mistake.
> Hmmm... but why?
> We could be distro agnostic and produce a specification that developers 
> enact using their favorite OS's live cd tools, along with the scripts 
> and data we provide. I imagine that would work along the lines of "Build 
> your filesystem and binaries, then checkout this CVS module and use this 
> httpd.conf and my.cnf"

first, Brand recognition... second, other [sup]ported apps

Let me throw this one out Chris:

I'm all for platform-agnostic -- it's all about AMP... so, 
perhaps in addition to a run-from-CD-NYPHP customized distro we 
think about putting something together on a CD that features 
both the Linux and Windows version of XAMPP with all the 
requisite apps that you want.  More than enough room.

XAMMP doesn't "install" (registry-wise) unless you install[.bat] 
as a service, leaving behind little to clean up -- just remove 
the folder on Windows (typically C:\xampp) and the directory on 
Linux (typically /opt/lampp).

People will be much more likely to fire something up on their 
current system where there is familiarity, rather than load up a 
different o/s and run that way.  Of course, when you're actually 
running a demo for someone, that's a non-issue.


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