[nycphp-talk] enabling gd on Unix

Adam Maccabee Trachtenberg adam at
Wed Mar 24 10:55:28 EST 2004

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Rafi Sheikh wrote:

> Hello folks, thank you for your time and answers.  I will drop this thread
> since the sys admin is vehemently adamant that he will only install from the
> CD that came with the server (IBM), and it is pre-compiled, and does not
> have gd enabled, plus PHP is 4.0.6, plus jpgrpah won't work either...b4 I
> shoot him I better give up-  Sigh!

4.0.6 is from June of 2001. It's so ancient, it's pretty much
unsuported by everyone. More importantly, it's also missing a variety
of security-related patches.

See "File Uploads Security Fix" on There's a patch for 4.0.6 (and a few
others versions of PHP). There's also problem with the
--enable-memory-limit configuration option.

If your sys admin thinks he's being safe by using the copy of PHP from
the CD, he's completely wrong.


adam at
author of o'reilly's php cookbook
avoid the holiday rush, buy your copy today!

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