[nycphp-talk] Secure (XML-RPC) connection

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Mar 24 13:13:03 EST 2004

On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 11:34:57AM -0500, Faber Fedor wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 11:25:28AM -0500, Chris Bielanski wrote:
> >
> > > 443, 80, it doesn't matter which port is open.  What matters 
> > > is *A* port is open.
> > 
> > True, but then likely so is 53 for DNS, 3306 for MySQL, and probably a few
> > others, despite your precautions. 
> Not on my networks. :-)  The webserver is outside the firewall and has
> all those ports open.  Everything else is behind the firewall and
> *NOTHING* is open on that firewall. 

If nothing is open, why is it connected to an exterior network at all?

And if nothing is open, how do you expect the web server to communicate 
with the database server?  It's like inviting a friend over for lunch but 
not opening the a door for them when they arrive.


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