[nycphp-talk] Secure (XML-RPC) connection

jon baer jonbaer at
Wed Mar 24 14:44:36 EST 2004

> If I forward Firewall:80 to ProdnServer:80, that will let the web server
> in and everyone else on the Big Bad Internet.  I can use SSH/SSL to
> encrypt the data from the Web Server to the Production Server but I need
> to minimize/remove all acapabilities for the Big Bad Internet to get to
> ProdnServer:80.

Have you tested your network with the latest nmap from the outside?  Not to
say that security by obscurity is 100% (id be fired :-) but tweaking your
banners for those fingerprints reduce the risk somewhat (and tweaking ICMP,
SYN-ACK stuff).  I really dont think you can expect much more when you are
connected to the Big Bad Internet.

- Jon

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