[nycphp-talk] PHP B-tree implementation

Joel De Gan joel at
Fri Mar 26 12:59:14 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 12:40, Chris Snyder wrote:
> Monthly meeting attendees are vaguely familiar with airports lookup by 
> city/state/airport-name keys, where a single key may correspond to 
> multiple airports.  For example, a lookup on key "los angeles" might 
> return a serialised PHP array with the airport codes of all LA-area 
> airports.

At this moment, I am writing a traffic shaper using mod_rewrite with a
little php script that has to figure out if a user has multiple
downloads (tick function there) and throttle each download on the fly
accordingly, based on a total allowable max speed, and per-day max..
Plus, all current downloads going on and ability to throttle all based
on max 'entire server' allowed download speed based on time of day..

array fun fun fun... :)

I am considering this btree for keeping a serialized shared mem segment
holding current downloads, so it was nice to see that today.


Joel De Gan
--------- - php freelance - get $10 free advertising for your site

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