[nycphp-talk] Unit testing

David Mintz dmintz at
Fri Mar 26 16:56:54 EST 2004

I'd be curious to learn how much you guys use unit testing with something
like PHPUnit. I have played with it, and it is satisfying, but i haven't
fully found religion, haven't gone to the X(P)treme of literally writing
the test *before*  the code the test tests.

It surely isn't a panacea and there seem to be cases where a "traditional"
test (does this page fetch a row of data and display it? load it in a
browser and look at the output) is as good, maybe even more appropriate,
than a PHPUnit test.

Perhaps... an idea for a presentation and/or Phundies topic?

David Mintz

        "Anybody else got a problem with Webistics?" -- Sopranos 24:17

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