[nycphp-talk] readfile make single and double quotes odd characters.

Faber Fedor faber at
Mon Mar 29 20:46:41 EST 2004

On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 05:19:11PM -0500, leam wrote:
> Faber Fedor wrote:
> >On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 08:16:38PM -0500, leam wrote:
> >>It's weirder than that. If I look at the same document on my two local 
> >>machines they look fine. Even if I sftp one back from the remote host it 
> >>looks fine. But a vi on the remote host shows the odd character code for 
> >>the " and ' characters.
> >
> >Could it be the code page/locale that's being used?  DO an 'echo $LANG'
> >and see what the settings are. I'll bet one is UTF And the other isn't.
> I'd have to say you're right. Both local boxes are en_US.UTF-8 and the 
> remote is blank. Can I fix it as a user or do I need to talk to the 
> hosting people?

You'll have to talk to the hosting people or change it on your system.
Oh, and just changing the LANG var won't work, it has to be changed in
the configuration files and the box rebooted.  Assuming both boxen are
Red Hat, RH did something very low-level that screws things up.  There
was a long discussion of this over at the  We never
figured out what they did, but it affects perl (can I mention that
language in here? :-) output as well.


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