[nycphp-talk] PEAR::DB insertID???

Christopher R. Merlo cmerlo at
Tue Mar 30 10:42:58 EST 2004

On 2004-03-30 09:13 -0600, Eric Rank <erank at> wrote:

> I haven't looked extensively at the PEAR documentation, but from what I did
> see, I couldn't find a means of getting an inserted ID after an insert
> query. Using mysql_insert_id($dbh->connection) works, but abstracting away
> from db-specific code is the whole point of PEAR::DB right? Any thoughts?

I'm not using PEAR::DB (yet), but what I do with MySQL when I need to
find this out is:

1) Lock the table
2) Insert what needs to get inserted
3) Query the ID out of the table order by id desc limit 1
4) Unlock the table

This assumes, of course, that your IDs are auto_increment.

  cmerlo at   

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