[nycphp-talk] Scholarships for Training at New York PHP

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue May 4 12:16:48 EDT 2004

The education dept. at New York PHP will be 
awarding at least one partial scholarship to 
the upcoming two day training session 
scheduled for May 17-18.

The criteria used to select recipients of the
scholarships will be based primarily on (but 
not limited to) the following factors:

a) past participation on the mailing lists 
   as well as contributions to general meetings 
   at NYPHP

b) willingness to contribute and help others
   (can be demonstrated by participation in 
    groups other that NYPHP)

c) a brief write-up from the applicant 
   stating how the granting of a scholarship 
   to him or her will make a beneficial impact 
   (for the individual as well as the open source 
    community at large in terms of widening the 
    understanding PHP, MySQL, and Apache tools)

The scholarships are to be for fifty (50) percent 
of the full tuition price, presently $780

Please address questions and responses to:

training at

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