[nycphp-talk] PHP License Management

John Lacey jlacey at
Thu May 20 13:10:15 EDT 2004

Dan Cech wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been asked to come up with a licensing solutions for a 
> closed-source php application, and wondered if anyone had any advice.
> The application will be licensed either in perpetuity or on a 
> subscription basis, and each license will be tied to a particular server 
> to make unauthorised distribution more difficult.
> The idea I came up with was to create a server app where the user could 
> log in and view/purchase/extend licenses and manage the IP address(es) 
> each license is tied to.

I'd look for a way other than IP addys since they're a moving 
target, especially if the customer is running a NATed network.

> The 'license' itself would be an encrypted token containing the client 
> id, expiry date, ip address(es) etc signed with a private key.
> The actual software would then be encoded to protect the source from 
> (casual) prying eyes (I was thinking of using the Turck MMCache encoder 
> for this) and include code to check the license validity and take 
> appropriate action.
> The most obvious (to me) attack on the system is to reverse-engineer the 
> code and remove the license check, which could be mitigated somewhat be 
> encoding the entire app and 'hiding' the check within the code.
> It seems to me like a viable solution, but I'm no security expert and 
> would appreciate any and all comments or pointers to existing solutions.
> Dan
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