[nycphp-talk] New Functions on old PHP

Andy Crain nyphp at
Fri May 21 15:48:51 EDT 2004

> I have an script that was written after PHP 4.0.5 and wish to figure out
> what functions need to be worked around to get it to work on the 4.0.5
> server.
> Other than checking the functions one by one on the function / PHP version
> table at, is there a tool out there that would do it for me?

Try the PEAR PHP_Compatibility package
( "Finds the lowest
version of PHP needed to run a PHP file/PHP files in a folder. Will soon
parse a script and check all includes and find the lowest common version.
Additionally, it finds all extensions needed to run the code. This could
easily be used in PEAR_PackageFileManager, say you set a PHP dependency of
"auto" and it'll detect it. Also could be used to find all extension
Very alpha but probably better than doing it by hand.


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