[nycphp-talk] SQL statement question

harvey list at
Sun May 23 17:42:10 EDT 2004


I'm going to create a MySql table that looks something like the following (I think). It's a history of courses taken by students.

History_ID Student_FID Course_FID
1          34          2
2          17          7
3          21          5
4          02          5
5          34          5
6          17          4
...        ...         ...

I'd like to be able to say which students have met the requirements of certain programs. So, I need a statement that will produce a list of Student_FID's that are matched with a particular set of Course_FID's. For instance, which students took both course 5 and course 2? 

So, I'm trying subqueries to find students who have taken courses 1,2,and 3:

   FROM history
   WHERE course_fid = 3)
   AS id3
  WHERE course_fid = 2)
  AS id2
 WHERE course_fid = 1"

I get an error that my sql syntax is wrong. Maybe it is. Or maybe my host's version of MySQL is too old? Is there a better SQL statement? Any help is appreciated...

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