[nycphp-talk] OpenSource CMS

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Nov 1 11:04:57 EST 2004

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>As a core developer on mambo, I am unabashedly biased ;-)
>Functionality-wise, the king of the hill IMHO is plone, but also has
>the greatest complexity and performance requirements (dual processor
>machine with >1GB RAM is minimal for a serious site).  After that it
>becomes a pick-your-poison type of exercise.
>You must weigh the importance of simplicity, ease of installation,
>features and 3rd party availability in your decision accordingly. I
>joined the mambo team because I felt they had the cleanest/easiest
>administration interface, and the most active 3rd party community (for
>add-ons and extraneous goodies).  Write me directly for any background
>information on the latest developments, as I believe you may find them

Just thought Id say, Ive been playing with Mambo for awhile and think 
its definately one of the better ones.
I tried Drupal and found it hard to "get into" but Mambo out of the box 
has a terrific backend. Ive added some components (such as the phpShop 
ecommerce component) and was pleasantly suprised that it also provided a 
backend for product management that was completely integrated into the 
existing backend. Very cool.


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