[nycphp-talk] OpenSource CMS

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Nov 1 11:29:56 EST 2004

Plone is based on Zope, ZPT (Zope Page Templates) and the CMF (Content
Management Framework).  As such it has huge performance requirements
and usually needs several servers for 'production use' - most folks
put a proxy in front (I prefer pound).  So not only is it very heavy
in python, but will require a significant amount of effort to get
setup and tuned properly.  They really invented their own way of doing
things, so this environment has a very, VERY steep learning curve.

On the flip side it is a really fun environment, as it has a fully-OO
database.  So you get webpages with acquisition which is a very unique
experience.  It is also tremendously easy for the end-user, as the
interface appears like a file browser, and all content can be
organized in folders.  I had a Plone site up in 15 minutes for an
attorney that was incapable of configuring his email client; and I
told him nothing more than his login and he was off to the races.

To me this is the holy grail of CMS, and hope to influence Mambo's
admin interface in that regard - just without the bloat ;-)

-- Mitch, sorry to miss the last meet, but I didn't owe anyone a beer
and felt safe skipping

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:06:34 -0500, Ajai Khattri <ajai at> wrote:
> Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> >Functionality-wise, the king of the hill IMHO is plone, but also has
> >the greatest complexity and performance requirements (dual processor
> >machine with >1GB RAM is minimal for a serious site).  After that it
> >becomes a pick-your-poison type of exercise.
> >
> Plone requires Zope no?
> Also the Python stuff is a major showstopper for me ;-)
> --
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> New York PHP Talk
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