[nycphp-talk] [OT slightly] state of the market for PHP programmers

Adam Fields fields at
Mon Nov 1 19:25:28 EST 2004

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 05:42:43PM -0500, Tim Gales wrote:
> Further if the project leader is truly experienced, he 
> should be able to pick someone who has the potential to 
> grow into the job -- especially if it will be under his 
> tutelage. 

Setting aside the question of whether this job is legit, the above
paragraph is ludicrous. You can usually tell when someone's wrong for
the job. Saying that someone is right for it is quite another
story. Many people I've thought had the right qualifications or the
skills or the potential to grow into a job have simply failed to be
able to do it, for an endless variety of reasons.

Hiring someone as a consult-to-hire is a good way to try that person
out in a real-world scenario and see if they can actually do the work,
and that there are no glaring personality conflicts. As an employer,
you take the hit for this upfront - consulting rates are ALWAYS higher
than employee pay for the same amount of work - in exchange for less
risk in the long run.

				- Adam

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