[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

Dan Cech dcech at
Thu Nov 4 09:59:29 EST 2004

Jeff Loiselle wrote:
> I was just doing some research into budget virtual dedicated servers
> and thought I might "inquire within".
> a. Has anyone tried VDS hosting?

Nope, but I have used for a little over a year

> b. what kind of experience did you have?

Good, the support is very good, the control panel is excellent.  You not 
only get root on your own UML (User Mode Linux) instance, but also 
access to a virtual serial console, so you can watch your machine start 
up, etc.

> c. what are the major factors to look for in a good VDS host?

The biggest factor IMHO is the quality of the hardware and how many 
users are sharing said hardware.

Personally I have a Linode64 which is 64MB RAM, 4.5GB disk and 
25GB/month transfer for $242.62/yr.  It's running a couple of reasonably 
low volume websites and mail for a few domains, I wouldn't use it for 
more than that.

The major limiting factor seems to be RAM, as the majority of VDS users 
don't overly stress the CPU.

If you move up a rung and pay $30/month you get a Linode128, with double 
the RAM, more disk space and 38GB/month transfer.

The strength of the VDS approach is that for $60/month you could have 2 
'machines' on different hosts (eg a mailserver and webserver).


> - Jeff Loiselle

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