[nycphp-talk] Testing PHP with Perl

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Thu Nov 4 12:39:01 EST 2004


I am about to post your presentation to NYPHP, how do you prefer I do 
it?  Should I link to Geoff's site or copy the files to NYPHP's server 
and serve them up?  Is he planning to leave those resources online 

Hans K

Chris Shiflett wrote:

>Geoff has posted our slides from last night's talk as well as a tarball
>that you can play with:
>I hope everyone enjoyed the talk. There was a lot to talk about, so I know
>it was hard to follow everything, especially since this is all very new
>(even if you do a lot of testing already). Hopefully reviewing these
>slides will help, and I plan to generate some better documentation once
>we're further along.
>If you want to play with the tarball, just follow the steps in the INSTALL
>file (it even gives you an example set of steps for installing Apache with
>PHP, which you can probably skip). The sample application lives in
>t/htdocs, and the tests are all *.t files within t. Examples of tests
>written in PHP exist within t/response/TestFunctions.
>Lastly, as I've looked more into Simple Test and PHPUnit, these seem to
>only be simplistic functions that can help you write unit tests (similar
>to Test::More in Perl), but they provide no automated way to run these
>tests nor an easy way to create a good test environment that resembles
>production (testing from the command line? Yuck!). I'm not suggesting that
>they've ever claimed to be more - I just wasn't sure. Until now, they've
>been our best options for testing PHP applications, but no longer. :-)
>Because PHPUnit and Simple Test seem like good approaches to unit testing,
>and because there are likely many developers who have a lot of tests
>already written in these, I will probably write a compatability layer that
>implements the same tests but with Test::More compatible output, so that
>people can easily port tests to the Apache-Test framework.
>Chris Shiflett -
>PHP Security - O'Reilly     HTTP Developer's Handbook - Sams
>Coming December 2004
>New York PHP Talk
>Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

Hans C. Kaspersetz
Cyber X Designs

Office: 201-558-7929
Mobile: 201-681-4156
hans at

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