[nycphp-talk] E-Commerce Packages

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Nov 8 14:35:40 EST 2004

Randal Rust wrote:

> I have a client that has asked for me to take over the development of 
> their e-commerce app.
> I can easily create the pieces/parts for entering and managing data 
> such as products, categories, users, etc. But the client also needs 
> some additional functionality that I've never built from scratch, such 
> as online payment processing via a gateway.
> So I started looking at osCommerce, and quite frankly, can't make 
> heads or tails out of the code. I would need to make some 
> modifications in order to fulfill some of the requirements, but it 
> would take me forever to figure out what is going on in osCommerce. 
> I've been working with PHP for about three years now, and do most of 
> my development in OOP these days, but osCommerce is just way over my 
> head.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for other packages I should look at?

Ive played with oscommerce and found it a pain to use.

Currently playing with Mambo with the phpshop plugin...

Systems Administrator / Developer

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