[nycphp-talk] How did you learn PHP (and programming)

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Tue Nov 9 11:50:21 EST 2004


I am sorry i have to disagree with you...

if you are going to sit in the bookstore and read the books, you
should buy them if they contain information that will help you learn,
i have a rather good size php book collection because i support the
authors by buying the books, if you just go to the bookstore and read
and learn that author isnt getting anything if you dont buy the book,
yes if you dont have the cash to buy the book right then by all means
read it there, but try to buy it.

Afterall the knowledge you learn from a good book is well worth the
$50-100 you spend on the book.

sorry i dont mean to be rude or flame i just thought i would state the
obvious and my stance in this situation.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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