[nycphp-talk] Email not working

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Nov 14 15:19:34 EST 2004

Joseph Crawford |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>this is not what i am looking for because i send very few emails and i
>dont need to add all that extra code...
>i just want to get this HTML email sending to work, i cant seem to get
>it to work with my domain email, but when i send to my gmail account
>it sends as all plain text for some reason :D

Very often (every time?) it is wiser to start with known good code and 
debug if you have to, instead of starting with unknown good code and 

Mabe you don't need to send binary atachments etc, but why not use known 
good mailer code? Is your hard drive almost full?

-=john andrews

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